Upcoming Events
- Wednesday, March 26
- Thursday, March 27
- Friday, March 28
- Monday, March 31
- Tuesday, April 1
- Friday, April 4
PTO Board Job Descriptions
All positions begin July 1st
Voting Positions:
Executive Board and Directors
Leader and key contact of the PTO, presides at all PTO meetings, ex-officio member of most committees and coordinates the work of the officers and committees so that the PTO’s objectives can be met. Needs very good organizational and networking skills and will be the main representative for the organization.
Vice President(s)
Deputy of the PTO President, shall perform the duties of the President in the absence or inability of that member to serve, and shall work in tandem with the President as needed. Responsible for PTO memberships as well as community PTO events such as the Welcome Back event, and other events as needed.
Writes and retains PTO meeting minutes and care-taking as well as distribution of general information necessary for board. Acts as parliamentarian for the board and assures the meetings are conducted in accordance with the Barbara Bush Elementary PTO Constitution and Robert’s Rules of Order. The Secretary will review the checks monthly from the Treasury Team.
Secretary coordinates the purchase of and assignment of car pool numbers for the upcoming school year, and distribution prior to the start of the Fall Semester.
Bookkeeper of PTO budget/finances/filing in all means. Prepares financial reports that will be presented at monthly board meetings and prepares books for audit and filing tax. They will also make deposits in a timely manner and provide a written receipt anytime funds exchange hands. Treasurer will pay expenses in accordance with the approval of the board. Must have some daytime availability to meet with other Board members for deposits and other transactions.
Characteristics for this position: financial understanding, comfortable with processing of large deposits, open and transparent with information within the organization, reliable, accurate and familiar with Excel.
Fundraising Director(s)
Works with Business Partnerships, Fundraising Events Chairperson(s) and Bobcat Boosters Chairperson(s) to coordinate the PTO’s fundraising activities, goals and financial needs. This position may require additional duties such as, but not limited to, recruiting volunteers as needed for fundraising and filling in for positions under the director position if volunteers are not identified.
Communications Director(s)
Works with Outreach Chairperson(s) and Website Chairperson(s) to publicize PTO related events and activities to the BBE community. Coordinates and promotes enrollment in weekly PTO e-blast and bi-yearly BobChat flier. Prints and distributes PTO second week flyers sent at the beginning of the year. Will coordinate a committee to decorate and organize the bulletin board(s) designated by Barbara Bush Elementary for PTO use throughout the school year.
Needs to be an excellent communicator with competence in written English. This position may require additional duties such as, but not limited to, recruiting volunteers as needed for communications and filling in for positions under the director position if volunteers are not identified.
Hospitality Director(s)
Works with Staff Hospitality and Family Hospitality to organize events for staff and families. This position may require additional duties such as, but not limited to, recruiting volunteers as needed for hospitality and filling in for positions under the director position if volunteers are not identified.
School Store Director(s)
Runs the school store, including ordering and distributing school supplies and apparel sold through the school store. The School Store Director will also be responsible for ordering and selling items for weekly school store sales. Will be interacting with the school children and their parents in a customer service related manner. Responsible for bookkeeping of all purchased items, restocking and distribution of ordered items and deposited funds.
VIPS Director(s)
Coordinates all activities related to volunteer opportunities/necessities for PTO events throughout the school year. Interface between PTO board, all Chairpersons, room parents and Westside High School volunteers. Good networking and communication skills are helpful. Director(s) will help coordinate events with all the following chairpersons, and ensure that all volunteers have HISD VIPS approval. Sets up sign-up genius forums for school events at the request of PTO members. Sends Room Parent emails for school events and information distribution at the request of PTO members. Orders supplies and maintains stock of PTO workroom supplies. This position may require additional duties such as, but not limited to, recruiting volunteers as needed and filling in for positions under the director position if volunteers are not identified.
Non-Voting Positions
Business Partnerships Chairperson(s)
Raising funds for school via partnerships with local businesses and responsible for spirit events and store loyalty/rewards programs.
Good networking skills are needed to build, establish, and maintain partnerships with local businesses. Work will begin in the summer prior to the start of the school year.
Fundraising Events Chairperson(s)
Organizes at least two fundraising events (ideally, one in the Fall, one in the Spring) that bring BBE community together and promote school spirit.
Bobcat Boosters Chairperson(s)
Organizes the Bobcat Boosters Campaign Fundraiser at the beginning of the school year. Follows up on the matched donations from the companies throughout the year. Majority of the duties take place in the first few months of the school year.
Outreach Chairperson(s)
Creates the weekly PTO Bobchat newsletter from contributions provided by other PTO positions. Posts on PTO Facebook and Instagram sites about upcoming PTO and school events and monitors social media comments and messages. Assists Communications Director with editing and content creation as needed.
Website Chairperson(s)
Maintains PTO website, updates with events and new products for sale, monitors the “contact us” mailbox. Requires software skills, with minor graphic/web design capabilities as precondition.
Bobcat Booklet Chairperson(s)
Organizes and coordinates printing and distribution of informational booklet that includes but not limited to, school information, sponsors ads and Bobcat Boosters donors.
Yearbook Chairperson(s)
Captures school memories throughout the year and is responsible for the planning, design and coordination of the printing of a yearbook. Also will promote, sell and manage the distribution of the yearbooks.
Staff Hospitality Chairperson(s)
Plan and host several events throughout the year to honor BBE teachers and staff in a creative and hospitable way.
Family Hospitality Chairperson(s)
Organizes social events for Bush families including, but not limited to,Welcome Back Coffee, Book Fair Dinner and Bush Buddies Event in a creative and hospitable way.
Nature Center Chairperson(s)
Coordinates all activities related to the Nature Center including care-taking of the outside garden, courtyard and grounds. Promotes engagement between staff and Nature Center, creates events to bring families to Nature Center with love for nature and willingness to work outside school hours.
Birthday Book Club Chairperson(s)
Manages and organizes the registrations of students in the Birthday Book Club program. Sends all names, ages, and teacher names to the administrator in charge of posting such information in Paw Prints and morning announcements, as well as for posting on the outside marquee. Will take photos each month of the students in the BBC.
Music Chairperson(s)
Works with the Music teacher supporting as needed and advocating for the BBE music program. Assists the Music teacher in any choir events or musicals that may be put on as requested. Coordinates volunteers for Music as needed.
Art Chairperson(s)
Works with the Art teacher supporting as needed and advocating for the BBE art program. Helps with coordination of events, such as, Art Fundraiser(s) and Rodeo art season as needed and requested. Coordinates volunteers for Art as needed.
Drama Chairperson(s)
Works with the Drama teacher supporting as needed and advocating for the BBE drama program. Assists the Drama teacher in any plays or activities as requested. Coordinates volunteers for Drama as needed.
Technology Chairperson(s)
Works with the Technology teacher supporting as needed and advocating for the BBE technology curriculum. Assists the Technology teacher in activities as requested. Coordinates volunteers for Technology as needed.
Library Chairperson(s)
Works with the Librarian supporting as needed, coordinates volunteers for the Library and advocates for the BBE Library. Additionally, responsible for organizing and coordinating Book Fair in cooperation with Librarian. Must coordinate and communicate effectively with the Treasury Team to total out revenue each day of the book fair.
5th Grade Chairperson(s)
Coordinates needs and special programs of 5th grade as a single point of contact for staff and PTO. Responsible for coordination and financing aspects of the t-shirt, promotion ceremony, and promotion party or field trip and gifts. Coordinates volunteers for 5th grade as needed.
Bobcat Buds Chairperson(s)
Coordinates family and community member involvement in volunteering throughout the school year and creates awareness of ways family and community members can be more involved in PTO. Organize and manage a committee of members, as needed for events and other activities. May include, help with car pool, construction, or other activities that would require physically intensive work, will be requested on an ad hoc basis.
Historian will be reserved for a past president or a member of the PTO with at least 2 years of prior board experience. They will hold a record of past events, vendors, business partners, as well as information regarding extent of assistance/capacity in which they participated.