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Tie Dye T-Shirts for Field Day

2/18/2025 8:19 am

Field Day is on May 16 and each child will be making a shirt to wear on this exciting day!  Every child will need a white t-shirt that they will tie-dye in their art class starting the week of March 24. 



PTO is selling white t-shirts for $3/each. All t-shirts ordered through PTO will be delivered directly to Ms. Bui for your children to tie-dye.  Deadline to purchase your t-shirt(s) through PTO is March 7. 


You may choose to purchase a shirt on your own.  If you purchase your own shirt, please put it in a gallon size ziplock bag with your student's name and homeroom teacher on the bag. If you choose to purchase a shirt on your own, please make sure it is 100% cotton.  Your student will give the shirt to their teacher.  Please do not give shirts to Ms. Bui as storage is limited.  


Tie Dye dates are March 24- April 1st.  2nd Grade will dye shirts after play due to rehearsals and performances.  


Ms. Bui has a wishlist that families can purchase from to help support this project.  Please consider buying an item which will be sent directly to Ms. Bui. 



Parent volunteer sign up for grades PK- 1st will be available in weeks to come.  


Please reach out to Ms. Bui with any questions:  Quynh.bui@houstonisd.org 


Purchase Shirt Here



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Yearbook Sales

3/21/2024 8:03 am

Order your 2024-2025 yearbook now! 


We recommend one PER CHILD. Yearbooks are distributed during the last week of school.  No orders will be accepted after March 24th, so order now!

Yearbook Orders:  Deadline to purchase is March 24, 2025.


 If you have a 5th grader- Purchase a special dedication for $20.  Dedications due March 8th.







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12/1/2023 8:39 am

 Yearbook photos are needed!!


We need photos of: 


  • Bike and Play
  • Each grade level- from field trips or school events
  • Holiday Spirit week
  • Any other fun events your students have participated in at school!

Please send quality photos to bushptoyearbook@gmail.com and include your student's name, the event, and grade level.


Yearbook Sales will begin at the end of January.  

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